Friday, June 13, 2008

Good Idea/Bad Idea

Good Idea: Cooking a whole chicken. It is a cheap way to be able to serve only free-range, organic chicken (as opposed to trying to buy the f-r, o, b/s pieces). It is also a convenient way to cook. I can do it in a crock pot while at work, then pick it clean afterward, divide into several servings (we get 4-5 meals out of one chicken), and then freeze the ones we won't be using right away. We have been very pleased with doing this.

Bad Idea: Forgetting about said chicken after cooking it. Thus the need to toss. the. whole. thing. What a waste.


Maria said...

I love cooking the whole chicken because of the broth. I use it for homemade chicken noodle soup. I am not a particularly good cook, but I was raised on a farm and learned early not to waste anything.

And I can't tell you how many cakes I have ruined because I forgot that they were in the oven....

Court said...

We never did whole chickens growing up. Kim and I have moved into that habit together. Usually succesfully. lol.

The broth is definitely a keeper! I usually get 3-5 quarts of broth per chicken. Yum!